Course Schoolkids STEAM

New concept: STEAM Lab for Kids

This autumn Dr. Bai is launching a new series of STEAM lab extra-curriculum lessons for kids in Saarbrücken City! The topics include her field of expertise: cognitive neuroscience, aka. brain science, chemistry, physics, math, tech and engineering! On top of it, philosophy (of mind, thinking, and self!)

Each week, one basic scientific knowledge will be introduced and hands-on experiments will be practiced. In addition, the children are encouraged to express their thoughts, to record their observation and also to keep a lab log book.

Course starts on 2nd of Oct. 2024 for 8 weeks (no course during the school holidays in Saarland nor at EFSD — 14th of Oct. till 4th of Nov. will be no course ). The last course will end on the 11st of Dec. 2024

Location: Raumfläche Sulzbachstraße 39-41, 66111 Saarbrücken

More information please contact us


New website

Happy new year! The new website under the old domain name. Riverside child arts studio presents courses for toddlers and family. There are more to come! Looking forward to meeting you all in 2024!!!


Social Media Links


Dr. Bai Consulting

Durch Interkulturelle Berating helfen wir Ihnen, Ihre ostasiatischen Partner, Familienmitglieder, Klienten zu verstehen: ihre Psychologie, ihre Kultur und ihr System.

Using various intercultural counseling methods, we help you to understand your East-Asia partner, family member and clients: their psychology, their culture and their system.
